#kindness is not weakness
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emperornorton47 · 2 years ago
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feisty-n-spicy · 1 year ago
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Sprinkle it around like confetti 🎊
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starlightvld · 2 years ago
Inherently good characters are not boring. Characters who choose to sacrifice their own love and happiness to protect others are not cliche.
Kindness is not weakness, and in fact, it can be the most cruel thing in the world.
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sagetsukimura · 1 year ago
What do you see?
Eyes open wide
I know that when they taught you how to shoot a gun
they beat it into your head
'you do not close your eyes.'
So what do you see?
Because it cannot be the same thing I see
What kind of seed did they plant in your heart
that grew folliage so thick it blinded you to the tears
roots so deep it deafened your ears
and fruit so rotten you could consume it and think it salvation?
What do they tell you
To make you forget you are human?
I know it's hard to remember what being human is.
Conquest and craft, intelligence and inovation.
These are not the heart of us though.
They are the results of what made us different
that led us to survive.
Once upon a time
A man broke his leg
and still those around him slung his arms over thier shoulders
and carried him so long that
by the time he died
History could only look and see the truth of humanity
in the answer to why.
Once upon a time
The bodies found in a cave were declared
To be the result of a massacre
Until someone took at second look at the shape of the bones
and dug deep into thier DNA
and found it to be a family graveyard instead
tenderly cared for
not the resting place of two warring tribes
but proof of the union between them.
What makes us human is not
Our capasity for violence and cruelty
But how it can be outweighted
By truth buried in our bones
We would not have come this far
If we were all truly enemies
So I know it's there
It's written in your very DNA
Can you tell me?
What it is they told you
To make you forget that
Once upon a time
You were Me
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itisdreamcatcher · 2 years ago
as somebody who grew up with Holly Hobbie and Friends and LOVED it, I can't understand why people (especially in my close circle) are weirded out/amazed by me liking cottage core and dark academia and being kind and friendly, even if I don't know the person. is it so weird to give the person a chance to understand them and see all their colours? is it a sin to do that? not immediately judge them and write them off? YES, I will give a random person a chance or smile at them, not because I think I should or am better than them but because I think people lack the kindness in this time of the world. I will be the person to just smile and emit warmth because I choose to. yes, I can judge everybody, everywhere but what is the point of that? it brings me the negativity and ruins my day, vibes and mood. is it not beautiful when you're at a cafe and you see that somebody might be stressed so you smile at them and tell them to take their time because OH GOD how many different people have been here before me and have you even taken a break and do you need a glass of water and just HOW ARE YOU? and when they hear you and register what you said, their shoulders are slumped and their jaw relaxes and they have a softer look in their eyes and they smile back and go to do their job and seeing them visibly relax makes you happy because oh god they might've needed that because have you ever had that one time when you were extremely stressed and you just couldn't deal with anyone or anything but you had so much on your plate and just AAAHHHHHH!!! I CANNOT ANYMORE!!! and then somebody, doesn't have to be anyone you know well or even at all, is kind to you or they talk to you for a bit and their energy recharges you so you're ready to continue with whatever you needed to do and you feel ten times lighter and you're just grateful and happy. is it so hard to be kind? or at least, refrain from being a jerk? if your day is ruined, you don't have to ruin other people's day. write about it. talk about it. draw it. go for a walk. drink water. or coffee. or juice. or sit outside and look at the clouds. or take a shower.
if you feel bad, do something for yourself that will make you feel better, instead of ruining the mood of other people. and if you like ruining the good vibes, then I'm sending you a hug and, please, for everyone's sake, GET A LIFE.
new cool is being kind.
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notyournightsky · 1 year ago
i’ll never understand why fandoms tend to view kindness as a weakness and cruelty as a strength
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abirdiejourney · 1 year ago
from those who are rude,
i’ve learned to be kind.
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animalsoutloud · 2 years ago
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In a world where you can be anything, be kind. Make the switch away from animal products to plant based ones for a happier world.
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redeemedmillennial · 6 months ago
The JTBD #2
Be kind to yourself
Be kind to your inner circle
Be kind to strangers
Be kind to enemies
Be kind to those who can do nothing for you
Be kind to everyone and everything, for it's your greatest strength
Be kind in public and private
I stumble with these, myself, but at least I stumble in the right direction.
Those are the jobs to be done today.
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observinghenrywinter · 6 months ago
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musicalmaster · 1 year ago
Remember, in a society that perpetuates hate, anger, and loneliness the most rebellious thing you can be is kind
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screamingatmyfandom · 10 months ago
"The reward of doing good is that GOOD EXISTS."
the way this hit is so much harder than any morality or philosophy class ever could
All good children's fiction says you are going to have to shoulder responsibility even if you don't want it.
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palatinewolfsblog · 7 months ago
"Being rude is easy. It does not take any effort and is a sign of weakness and insecurity. Kindness shows great self-discipline and strong self-esteem. Being kind is not always easy when dealing with rude people. Kindness is a sign of a person who has done a lot of personal work and has come to a great self-understanding and wisdom. Choose to be kind over being right, and you’ll be right every time because kindness is a sign of strength." U.N. Owen.
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mahi1313 · 1 year ago
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"When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people."
- Abraham Heschel
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nurs3lovl3y · 1 year ago
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(ˊ˘ˋ )
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technically-human · 6 months ago
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When the ghost who read to you as you died activates all of your Must Protect instincts
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